Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I made this fursona thing

I need opinions. It can range from how it is drawn (keep in mind that I am still learning and need to improve on anatomy), to the actual character.

This is a dog and I'm thinking of naming her Compass. That, or Piper. Any suggestions?

-Sucks up everybody's opinions like a wormhole-


  1. Piper is a nice name, seeing the accessories and all, but it doesn't look right as a "Piper".

    A laid-back name and a little-kind of native/common to Americans.

    Kate? No, not really.
    I think something equivalent to Dream would be nice, but the name shouldn't be rocky.

    Mimpi is dream in another language, by the way. I could search more, but I'm just too lazy to...

    1. Forgotten to say: Nice drawing!

      Don't worry, I'm allso at anatomy.

  2. I think Compass is good,
    She seems native american because of the dream catcher around her neck.
    Its a nice drawing to!

  3. THAT DRAWING IS FRIGGIN AWESOME. I think that I can say that your anatomy is pretty good after drawing cats for over a year (I know only one year isn't that long, but first I started and didn't even know how to draw their muzzles and now people are complimenting them like they should be in a museum. It embarrasses me >.<). I love the necklace and the spots. Yea, I'm not good at drawing patterns realistically XD Anyways I think Piper is good because of the design. And FINALLY SOMEONE THAT DRAWS BACK LEGS RIGHT!

