
Creating your Character / Starting

Ok, to start off, create your character via the Sign Up page. After that, think about your character. To help understand him/her more, answer these questions in your head:

1. What would he/she do on a rainy day?
2. Are they clever, strong, or kind?
3. Do they prefer using boomseeds or chomper plants?
4. Would they rather enjoy winning a physical contest or an argument?
5. Are they a loner, follower, or leader?

Once you have thought about these questions, it is time to pick an ability. Go to the abilities page and pick one that seems to fit your character or one that you would like the most. Be sure to comment which ability you chose so I can equip it to your character.

Next, go ahead and go to the Shop. At the top of the page you will see an item labeled Birthstone Necklace. Go ahead and comment saying you bought it, but be sure to include what month you were born in so you get the correct power. If you don't feel comfortable giving away that information, you can just pick a random month. The Birthstone Necklace is FREE, so you don't have to give away any Phantom Blessings.

Last, but not least, go ahead and think of a brief backstory of your character. You don't have to comment about it, but just think. Where did your character come from? Who are their parents? Were they abandoned or do they still know their parents? After this, you are done creating your character! Congratulations!


The currency that we use is called "Phantom Blessings." They are small, pure black roses that randomly appear in adventures after doing something very noble or intelligent. If you earn a Phantom Blessing, I will tell you. If you acquire 10 Phantom Blessings, you will get a Mystery Item that can only be achieved by these methods. Good Luck!


Roleplaying is actually quite simple. To begin roleplaying, look for a post with "Adventure" in the title. Once you have found an obvious roleplay post, read it. After you have read the entire thing, you have two choices: You can roleplay on your own or you can join another's roleplay. But, you cannot join somebody else's roleplay if there are already more than ten comments OR if it appears as if the roleplay is close to ending. Let's just say, you have to join close to the beginning in order to continue that specific roleplay comment chain. Next, when you are roleplaying, remember to roleplay in a back-and-forth motion with goldcobra. Try not to make up the whole plot yourself (wink). When your roleplay ends (ex: you completed your goal), goldcobra aj will USUALLY tell you by saying "Adventure complete." She forgets sometimes, but feel free to end if it seems obvious that the adventure is over.


I have changed the basics of battling due to nobody using the old ones. So here how you battle:
When something attacks you (like a phantom), you must think of a way to counter its attack with one of your abilities or items. Or, you can decide to faint if you believe you have taken enough damage from the enemy. When battling a phantom, it can inflict more damage depending on its size. Here are the sizes of phantoms:

.Extra Large

And the only special ability that a phantom can have is called Redshock. It's when a phantom's electricity is red instead of blue, and it does extra damage. You take turns attacking until you or the phantom dies/faints.


On the Roleplayers page, there are statuses. This is not a nonmember or member status, but the type of roleplayer you are. Here are the different kinds:

.Founders: This is the creator of the Animal Jam Roleplay. Only goldcobra can achieve this rank.
.AJRP Beta Testers: These are the people who first joined the Animal Jam Roleplay. Anybody with a Winged-Lupus counts as a AJRP Beta Tester.
.Roleplayers: These are the average jammers who roleplay.


  1. Yay this is already so fun yay! When do I start?

  2. Can you add a feature so we can buy another character for Phantom Blessings? I realleh realleh REALLEH wanna use another character.
