Thursday, June 12, 2014

Signature Critique?

Hey guys! I wanna know what you think of my new signature! I'm not the best at photo-editing (heck, to do all these graphics I use PAINT. Not even MS-Paint), but I made a signature! By the way, sorry... I just love snakes. XD

All snakes are from Animal Jam. I just to them out of the Journey Book. XD

EDIT: Changed the eel to a real sea snake from back when the journey book still had it. :D
And yes, the spotted black and white thing is technically an eel, but when the journey place for Kani Cove was first created, it WAS a sea snake. And I KNOW that some sea snakes are colored like that.


  1. I love it! I see you like snakes. I like snakes too :3 except for the venemous 1s x3
